President’s message (March 2021)

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It’s the end of another year in the life of bees and this week, as packages of bees begin to show up, the cycle begins anew. Equipment has to be brushed up; tools need to be sterilized and old equipment retired while new equipment is assembled. It’s exciting! It’s hands-on stuff. It’s answering the age-old question: “Well it works in practice but will it work in theory?”

As we look forward to new packages, nucs and the early flights of bees that have successfully over-wintered, I am excited about the proposed executive team in place for the coming year. We had a couple of empty executive positions and fortunately people stepped up to fulfill the roles. We need to formally elect them and let them carry on for another year. Thank you to Kazlyn Bonner who will wrap-up as Treasurer and we will elect a new treasurer. Thank you to Don and Carolyn who are prepared to stand again for election again as First and Second Vice President. Thank you to Simon who figured out that I have another year in my two year term as president and for his work on sorting out the finer points of our constitution and by-laws which we as a club will also confirm. Nicole is busy working on a mentors list to help new (and not-so-new) beekeepers and I know many will appreciate her initiative as it rolls out this year. And thank you to Cindy Parker as our Director at Large and those other informal directors who keep the website updated, library books on the shelf, the club equipment operating, the outyards electrified and swarms collected. Thank you!

We’ll be going through our proposed financials and the upcoming year’s budget. So take a look!

Finally, if you are willing to accept questions by email or phone from new beekeepers, consider adding your name to our list of mentors. Please send your name and contact information to our membership secretary Nicole. And, if you are interested in participating in the free on-line beekeeping course offered by the Ministry of Agriculture, another series will begin on March 27th. Send your full name, email address and location to Paul van Westendorp.

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