Anyone keeping bees in B.C. must be registered. It is also a legislated requirement to register the apiary locations where bees are kept. You can register by completing an online form hosted by the Government of British Columbia. More information about bees and bee-related programs (like suggested bee forage or bulletins related to the transport and sale of bees) are also available from the government website.
The following is an alphabetical listing of all the municipalities within the Capital Regional District (excluding the Islands Trust – Gulf Islands and Salt Spring Island) together with a reference/link to the bylaws relating to beekeeping. These should only be used as reference point, so consult with your local municipal office for more information on the specifications, if any.
Central Saanich
Animal Control Bylaw no. 1471 (section 12)
12. Bees
12.1 Except in designated Agriculture Zones, no person shall place any hive or other device for the housing of bees on any parcel of land unless the hive or device is located at least 7.62 metres (25 feet) from any property line, but this regulation does not apply if the hive or other device is used in conjunction with the operation of a greenhouse. -
Colwood permits beekeeping on properties that are zoned for ‘agriculture’ these can be identified the City’s Zoning Map as AG1, AG2, or A1. If you believe that you qualify please contact the Planning Department to confirm that your property is appropriately zoned for an agricultural use.
Colwood encourages prospective beekeepers to consult the provincial requirements for keeping bees.
Zoning Bylaw 2050 (section 30.4)
(1) In addition to this section, the keeping and care of Urban Hen(s), Dog(s), Cat(s), Rabbit(s), Rodent(s), Bird(s) and Bees is governed by the Animal Management Bylaw, 2015, No. 2841, as amended from time to time.
(2) The keeping and care of Urban Hen(s), Rabbit(s), Bird(s) and Bees and other livestock, fowl or similar animal that produce food, or may itself become food, whether for personal or commercial production, is considered an urban agricultural use accessory to residential dwellings only.
(3) Any Building or Structure containing Urban Hen(s), Dog(s), Cat(s), Rabbit(s), Rodent(s), Bird(s) or Bees, whether portable or stationary, shall be located at least 1.5 metres from any Lot Line.
(4) […]
(5) Additional Regulations for Bees:
(a) A maximum of three (3) beehives is permitted on a Parcel;
(b) Beehives must be placed so that flight paths do not cross publicly frequented areas; and shall have a vertical screen in front of the entrance to the hive measuring at least 1.8 metres high, located within 0.6 metres of the entrance to the hive.
- Highlands
Zoning Bylaw no. 300 (section 3.12)
3.12.04 The keeping of bees and beehives for domestic purposes including the sale of honey produced on the premises is permitted as an accessory use to the residential use of a single family dwelling on any lot in any residential zone with an area of at least 550 m2 (5,920 ft2) subject to the following conditions:
(1) The number of beehives shall not exceed 2 (two) for any lot with an area greater than or equal to 550 m2 (5,920 ft2) and less than or equal to 800 m2 (8,611 ft2);
(2) The number of beehives shall not exceed 1 (one) per 400 m2 (4,305 ft2) of lot area on lots greater than 800 m2 (8,611 ft2) in area;
(3) All beehives must be sited to the rear of the front building face of any principal building and at least 3 m (10 ft) from any lot line.
Land Use Bylaw no. 259 (section 57.5, 58.5, 59.5, 60.5)
(5) Requirements for the Keeping of Livestock and Bees (Bylaw 635)
For each 4,000 m2 (.99 ac) of lot area or pro-rated portion thereof if less than 4,000 m2 (.99 ac) of lot area, the keeping of livestock shall be limited to the following maximum numbers:
(a) […]
(b) […]
(c) […] 15 beehives per 4,000 m2 (0.99 acre) of lot area or pro-rated portion thereof.
(d) notwithstanding paragraph (c), where a lot is less than 4,000 m2 (0.99 acres) in area, a maximum of 4 beehives is permitted.
(5) Requirements for the Keeping of Livestock and Bees (Bylaw 635)
For each 4,000 m2 (.99 ac) of lot area or pro-rated portion thereof if less than 4,000 m2 (.99 ac) of lot area, the keeping of livestock shall be limited to the following maximum numbers:
(a) […]
(b) […]
(c) […] 15 beehives per 4,000 m2 (0.99 acre) of lot area or pro-rated portion thereof.
(d) notwithstanding paragraph (c), where a lot is less than 4,000 m2 (0.99 acres) in area, a maximum of 4 beehives is permitted.
(5) Requirements for the Keeping of Livestock and Bees (Bylaw 635)
For each 4,000 m2 (.99 ac) of lot area or pro-rated portion thereof if less than 4,000 m2 (.99 ac) of lot area, the keeping of livestock shall be limited to the following maximum numbers:
(a) […]
(b) […]
(c) […] 15 beehives per 4,000 m2 (0.99 acre) of lot area or pro-rated portion thereof.
(d) notwithstanding paragraph (c), where a lot is less than 4,000 m2 (0.99 acres) in area, a maximum of 4 beehives is permitted.
(5) Non-Conforming Lots – Keeping of Livestock and Bees (Bylaw 635)
For each 4,000 m2 (.99 ac) of lot area or pro-rated portion thereof if less than 4,000 m2 (.99 ac) of lot area, the keeping of livestock shall be limited to the following maximum numbers:
(a) […]
(b) […]
(c) […] 15 beehives per 4,000 m2 (0.99 acre) of lot area or pro-rated portion thereof.
North Saanich
Animal Control Bylaw no. 751 (section 13)
13. BEES
13.1 No person shall place any hive or other device for the housing of bees on any parcel of land unless the said hive or device is located at least 20 feet from any property line, except where such hive or device for the housing of bees is used in conjunction with the operation of a greenhouse.
Oak Bay
Bylaw no. 4013 (amendment/bylaw 4417)
29. No person shall keep, house or confine bees within the Municipality without first applying for and obtaining a beekeeping permit from the Licence Inspector.
30. Without derogating from any requirement imposed by a bylaw regulating the application and permit process for the constructions of buildings or other structures, an application for a beekeeping permit shall include:
(1) a scaled and dimensioned site plan showing the proposed location of each beehive and its distance from the boundaries of the parcel; and
(2) a scaled and dimensioned elevation plan showing the height of the entrance to each beehive and where applicable, the type, height and location of the fencing or other screening required by Section 30.1(6)(b).
30.1 On application, the Licence Inspector shall issue a beekeeping permit where the application complies with the following conditions:
(1) the applicant is the owner or tenant in occupation of the parcel on which bees are proposed to be kept;
(2) the parcel on which bees are proposed to be kept is zoned for either One-Family Residential Use or Institutional Use under the Zoning Bylaw;
(3) the number of beehives proposed to be erected, placed or constructed does not exceed:
(a) two (2) for a parcel of area less than or equal to 930 square metres; nor
(b) four (4) for a parcel of area greater than 930 square metres;
(4) no beehive is located closer than 6 metres to any boundary of the parcel;
(5) no beehive is located other than within the portion of the parcel bounded by the rear lot line, the side lot lines and the projection of the wall of the principal building facing the rear lot line to the closest points on the respective side lot lines; and
(6) either:
(a) the entrance to each beehive is located not less than 2.4 metres above the adjacent ground level, or
(b) subject to Section 30.2, for a beehive the entrance of which is located less than 2.4 metres above the adjacent ground level, such entrance is located behind three (3) sections of solid fencing (or other robust screening impenetrable by bees) together making a “]” shape, not less than 2.0 metres in height above the adjacent ground level, with the middle section running parallel to the beehive entrance wall and each of the two wings extending back to a point at least even with the back of the beehive.
30.2 Section 30.1(6)(b) does not apply where the lot line boundaries of the portion of the parcel described in Section 30.1(5) are delineated by solid fencing not less than 2.0 metres in height above the adjacent ground level at all points.
30.3 No person shall erect, place, construct or maintain on any parcel a number of beehives in excess of the applicable limit set out in Section 30.1(3).
30.4 No person shall keep, house or confine bees in a beehive located or constructed other than in accordance with Sections 30.1(4), 30.1(5) and 30.1(6), nor in a beehive located or constructed other than in accordance with the plans on which the issuance of a permit under Section 30.1 was based.
30.5 Every person who owns, possesses, keeps, houses or confines bees, and every person on whose property bees are kept, housed or confined shall:
(1) maintain the bees in a condition that reasonably prevents swarming and aggressive behaviour; and
(2) provide sufficient water for the bees that reasonably prevents them from seeking water on adjacent parcels of land.
Animals Bylaw, 2004, no. 8556 (sections 48-49)
Bees 48.1 No person shall keep or harbour any bees on any parcel of land unless:
a) the parcel is located within any A Zone.
b) the parcel is located within any RS Zone and has an area greater than 465 m2 (5,005 ft2).
Limitation 48.2 No person shall keep more than four hives on any parcel of land in any RS Zone.
Placement of Hives 49. Except where any hive or other device for the housing of bees is contained within a greenhouse, no person shall place any hive or any other device for the housing of bees on any parcel of land within 6.05 metres (20 feet) of any property line.
Animal Control Bylaw no. 1965 (section 5.1)
(a) No person shall keep or harbour Bees on any parcel of land under 750 square metres; and
(b) No person shall keep or harbour Bees in excess of two (2) beehives on any parcel of land over 750 square metres.
- Sooke
Animal Control Bylaw no. 11-044 (section 21)
Requirements for keeping bees 21 (1) A person who keeps bees must
(a) provide adequate water for the bees on the person’s property,
(b) maintain the bees in a condition that will reasonably prevent swarming, and
(c) keep hives at least 7.6 m away from each property line, unless there is a solid fence or hedge at least 1.8 m tall parallel to the property line.
(2) The Fence Bylaw applies to a fence erected in accordance with paragraph (1)(c).
View Royal
Zoning Bylaw no. 900 (section 4.4)
4.4.1 […]
4.4.2 […]
4.4.3. The keeping of bees is permitted on lots within the R-1, R-1A, R-1B, P-1, P-3 and P-6 zones with the following restrictions:
a) On lots up to and including 600 m2 no more than 2 beehives are permitted;
b) On lots greater than 600 m2 no more than 4 beehives are permitted;
c) On lots zone P-4, no more than 8 beehives area permitted;
d) To ensure the proper height of a bee flight path:
i) The top of a beehive must be situated 2.4m or more above ground level; and
ii) the beehive entrance must be directed away from all neighbouring lots and the beehive must be situated behind a solid fence or hedge that is a minimum of 1.8m in height and runs parallel to the lot line; and
iii) a beehive must be located a minimum of 7.5m away from any rear, side and flanking lot lines.
If you notice any of the information presented above as inaccurate or in need of updating, please contact us.