- The name of the association is the CAPITAL REGION BEEKEEPERS’ ASSOCIATION.
- The purposes of the association are
- To act as the voice of capital region beekeepers.
- To promote and encourage the keeping of honeybees and protection of indigenous bees.
- to aid in the dissemination of reliable and practical information on beekeeping.
- To work with other beekeeping associations in British Columbia and elsewhere on matters of mutual interest.
- To promote and regulate exhibitions of bees and hive related products according to the Canadian Honey Council Standards.
- This is a member-funded society.
1 Definitions
- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, words import in the singular include the plural, masculine includes the feminine and vice versa, words importing persons include corporations.
- “Act” means the Society Act.
- “The Society” means the general membership of the Capital Region Beekeepers’ Association.
- “The Central Executive” means the duly elected or appointed representatives who form the governing and policy making body of the Capital Region Beekeepers’ Association.
2 Membership
- Any person or persons, who support the objectives of the association and who have paid the membership fee as may be fixed from time to time at the Annual General Meeting of the association, shall be entitled to membership and full voting rights.
- There are three classes of membership in the association:
- Ordinary member – a paid up member of the Association.
- Honorary membership shall be conferred only upon persons who have rendered meritorious service to beekeeping. Qualification for honorary membership does not require past or present membership in the Association.
- Life Membership can be granted to a person who has made an outstanding contribution to beekeeping in the Province of British Columbia or who has performed an outstanding service or services to the Association.
- Each member in good standing shall be entitled to attend and to receive notice of every general or special meeting of the Association.
- Membership applications shall be made freely and publicly available. All applications for membership must be made in writing to the Membership Committee Chair or to such other persons as, may, from time to time be designated by the Association executive. Membership becomes effective upon acceptance of the application and payment of membership fees.
- All members are in good standing except members who have failed to pay their current annual membership fee or any other subscription or debt due and owing by them to the association and is not in good standing so long as the debt remains unpaid.
3 Termination of Membership
- Ordinary member shall cease to hold membership in the Association:
- When membership fees are in arrears.
- When they submit their resignation in writing to the Membership Chair of the Association.
- For good and sufficient cause, the membership of any ordinary, honorary or life member may be terminated by a 2/3 vote of members present at a General, Annual or Special Meeting of the Association. No such dismissal shall be effective before the ordinary, honorary or life member has been given the opportunity to be heard at a General, Annual or Special Meeting of the Association.
4 Membership Records
- In accordance with Section 70 of the Society Act, the Association shall keep a register with the name of every person admitted as a member with the following particulars of each:
- The full name and resident address and contact information.
- The date on which a person was admitted as a member.
- The date on which a person ceases to be a member.
- Whether a person is an Ordinary, Life or Honorary member: each class must be indicated.
- The Association’s records of membership will be maintained for the current year in addition to the previous five years.
5 Fees and Assessments
- The financial year of the Association shall commence on the first day of January and end on the 31st day of December.
- Membership fees shall be paid upon application. Persons joining the Association at any time during the year, shall pay the full membership fee for the year.
- Annual membership fees become due on the 30th day of April yearly.
- Duties of the Membership chair shall include collection of membership fees and issuing receipts.
6 Membership Voting Rights
- Ordinary members and life members are entitled to one vote at the Annual General Meeting or Special Meetings of the Association.
- Honorary members may attend Annual General Meetings or Special meetings of the association, but they are not entitled to vote at meetings.
- For the purpose of the Annual General Meeting or Special Meetings, ordinary and life members may represent up to two (2) additional members via written proxies.
7 Rules of Order
- Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern proceedings.
8 Meetings
- The first Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held not more than 15 months after the date of incorporation, and after that an Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held at least once in every calendar year and not more than 15 months after the adjournment of the previous annual meeting.
- The Registrar may at any time extend the time within which an association is required to hold an annual general meeting.
- The Executive Committee may appoint up to two delegates to attend the meetings of the B.C. Honey Producers’ Association or the Vancouver Island Beekeepers’ Coalition in the province of British Columbia pertaining to beekeeping.
- Special meetings may be called on the written request of 10% of the members.
- A quorum at any meeting of the association shall not be less than ten (10) percent of the membership.
9 Association Executive – Election, Composition, Quorum, Qualifications, Responsibilities, Remuneration, Term of Office
- The election of the Association Executive and officers shall take place at the Annual General Meeting. The term of office shall be as stated in paragraph 9.8. There shall be at least fifteen (15) members making up the executive, officers and directors.
- The executive of the Association shall consist of a President, First Vice-President, a Second Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, Membership, 3 directors at large and other Committee Chairs as may be necessary for the operations of the Association.
- A quorum of the Association Executive shall consist of not less than four members present any meeting of the Executive, one of whom shall be the Secretary or Treasurer. The President or the first Vice-President shall chair all meetings.
- Every officer and director of the Association must be a member in good standing.
- The Executive shall be responsible for carrying out the authorized policies of the Association.
- The Executive shall have the power to fill any vacancy that may occur in the Executive.
- No officer or director shall be entitled to any remuneration for serving on the Executive.
- Election of Executives and Directors shall be held during the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Executive: President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Membership Secretary and Treasurer shall serve two-year terms from the time of the AGM. No member shall serve as President for more than two consecutive terms.
- If nominations for any one or more positions are not received, then a motion may be passed at the AGM to allow an incumbent to continue in the position for an additional consecutive term.
- Members may remove Executives or Directors by a two thirds (2/3) majority of the members present at a general, annual or special meeting for failure to act honestly, and in good faith and in the best interests of the Association, or to exercises the care, diligence and skill of a reasonable prudent person.
10 Duties of the Executive Committee
- The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee. The President shall appoint the chair of all committees and shall call all general and special meetings and ensure elections are held in accordance with these by-laws.
- The Vice-Presidents shall assist the President and carry out such duties as the President may direct. If the President is unable to perform their duties, the First Vice-President shall preside at all meetings. If both the President and the First Vice-President are absent, then the Second Vice-President shall preside. If the office of the President becomes vacant, the First Vice-President shall fill the unexpired term of office.
- The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
- The Immediate Past President shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.
- The term of the incoming officers shall commence immediately at the close of the Annual General Meeting at which they were elected.
- Liaison with other beekeeping associations, industry and governments as required.
- Perform all duties that encompass the management of any business affecting the beekeeping industry, which include:
- Account for any government grant.
- Maintain records of the Association reports, financial statements, and lists of members as required by the Society Act.
- Submit all reports required by the Society Act.
- Adjudicate all questions such as amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws.
- Unless authorized by special resolution, the Executive Committee shall not issue a debenture; but if authorized, the debenture shall not be for term exceeding one (1) year.
- The Secretary and the Treasurer shall be responsible for the execution of all the business of the association.
11 Duties of the Secretary
- Safekeep of the records of the Association.
- Record and retention of all minutes of meetings.
- Collect, amend and retain all the membership lists.
- Reply to all correspondence, in consultation with the president and the Executive Committee.
- Produce and circulate the Association’s newsletter on a monthly or quarterly basis.
12 Duties of the Treasurer
- Keep accurate records of the different types of funds received and immediately deposit all funds received in a bank account.
- Pay all invoices after the Executive Committee has approved them.
- Prepare an annual statement of cash receipts and disbursements containing all particulars required by the Society Act.
- Solicit advertising revenue to help reduce the cost of publishing the newsletter.
13 Annual Review of Financial Transactions
- The Association is not required to submit its books, records and statements to a financial audit. As a member-funded organization the review for completeness and accuracy of CRBA financial transactions can be carried out by representatives of members of the society.
- Each year at the regular October meeting, two current members of the club shall be elected from those nominated to represent the membership and serve on a financial review committee.
- Those selected may not be current members of the club executive when they serve on the financial review committee and can serve in successive years if selected.
- The review of financial transactions of the club shall encompass the year from January to December.
- Members of the Committee shall meet with the Treasurer at least once, after the end of the fiscal year and before the club financial statements are tabled at the annual general meeting.
- To the best of their ability the Committee members will answer the following questions:
- Have all financial transactions undertaken on behalf of the club been recorded?
- Have purchases in excess of C$300.00 been approved by executive through motions in the executive minutes?
- Does the collection and distribution of funds on behalf of CRBA appear to be transparent?
- Other than expenditures approved through the annual budget, have financial commitments in excess of C$1000.00 been communicated and voted upon by association members?
- As reasonable and prudent people, do the committee members believe that the financial transactions of the club have been carried out in good faith?
- At least one of the committee members will attend the annual general meeting and respond to the five questions listed above.
14 Changes to By-Laws
- The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended or revised by serving a notice of motion to the Secretary at least ninety (90) days prior to the Annual General Meeting. This early notice will give the Secretary sufficient time to notify all members of the proposed Amendments.
- This notice of a motion shall be in the form of a resolution, accompanied with a sufficient explanation for the reasons for the notice of a motion.
- Amendments to the constitution and By-Laws may be made by a majority vote of 2/3 of the members present at the Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting.