What’s new in the Bee Culture Magazine (May 2017)?

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How to Set up A Bee Yard – Daniel Thurston

This is a nice short article on what to consider when setting up a hive, and a springtime refresher or checklist to use if evaluating a new or current apiary site. Requests to island beekeepers increases each year by residents that are interested in having a hive kept in their yard. Formerly written for the Ontario Beekeeping Association, the article discusses:

  • Forage
  • Water
  • Wind Protection
  • Sun Exposure
  • Surroundings
  • Size
  • Accessibility
  • Human Pests
  • Legalities

The Politics of Killing Bees – Pesticides

A longer article that gives us a synopsis of what is happening in today’s realm of IPM and regulations but also takes us on a surprising walk in history about how pesticides actually started out in North America, as far back as the 1890s! Don’t let the first paragraph dissuade you, it’s a tidy account of things from past to present…






A Closer Look – Queen Rearing Behaviours

When your hive decides to raise a new queen, how do they behave? Here is an article that describes what to look for beyond the presence of a queen cell. There is something in this write up for new beeks and science geeks alike.







Requeening – by Larry Conner

The ups and downs of re-queening – both in nature and by the beekeeper. Some great facts & tips about bee packages and those queen introductions.







Varietal Honeys are Worth the Bother – Ann Harman

Do islanders take for granted the amazing varietal honey we have access to? Should we be thinking quality instead of quantity when it comes to selling product? A fun article on the merits of varietal honey, and how to organize yourself so you can enjoy and share with confidence.