Spring is almost here, seed catalogues are arriving and it’s time to think about what to plant this year for the bees. Below are lists of good bee plants that are worth including in your garden. Months noted with each plant represent the typical time of bloom. N and P indicate whether the flowers are used for nectar and/or pollen.
These are useful spring flowering native shrubs:
- Erica carnea (heather); N P; Jan-Mar
- Berberis darwinii (barberry); N P; Mar-May
- Hamamelis mollis (Chinese witch hazel); P; Mar-Apr
- Cornus stolonifera (red twig dogwood); N; May-June
- Cotoneaster horizontalis (and other cotoneasters); N P; June
- Perovskia atriplicifolia (silver sage); N; Aug-Sept
- Vitex negundo; N; Sept-Oct
- Mahonia aquifolium (Oregon grape); N P
- Gaulferia shallon (salal); N
- Single and semi-double flowering roses are good sources of pollen.
There are many species of perennial fall asters. All are excellent late sources of nectar and range in height from short to over 6 feet. Here are some more perennials:
- Helleborus niger and Helleborus orientalis (Christmas and Lenten rose); N P; Nov-Apr
- Eranthus hyemalis (winter aconite); P; Feb-Mar
- Arabis caucasia (wall rock cress); N P; Mar-Jul
- Aubrieta deltoidea (purple rock cress); N P; Apr-June
- Centaurea montana (perennial cornflower); N (P); May-Aug
- Thymus serpyllum (mother of thyme); N P; Jun-Aug
- Dahlia (single and semi- double); N P; July through fall
- Echinops ritro (small globe thistle); N; Jul-Aug
- Eryngium maritimum (sea holly); N; Jul-Aug
- Sedum spectabile (showy stonecrop); N; Sept-Oct
- Solidago canadensis (golden rod); N P; Aug through frost
- Asters; N; Aug through frost
Annual and Biennials
- Alyssum; N
- Cleome; N P
- Coreopsis; N P
- Cornflower; N
- Cosmos; N
- Echium; N P
- Foxglove; N P
- Gaillardia; N P
- Hollyhock; N P
- Impatiens glanduliffera (Himalayan impatiens); N P
- Phacelia; N P
- Single sunflowers; N P
Most herbs bloom June through August. All are good sources of nectar and are eagerly used by bees.
- Anise hyssop, borage – an annual but it happily self seeds from year to year and is loved by bees
- Germander
- Lavender
- Nepeta
- Oregano
- Rosemary
- Sage
- Savory
- Thyme
All fruit trees and bushes are good sources of nectar and pollen.
- All Brassicas (cabbage family) are an excellent source of early nectar if allowed to go to flower after overwintering
- Broad beans; N
- Chives; N P
- Cucumber; N P
- Squash; N P
Cover crops
- Alsike clover; N P
- Buckwheat; N
- Crimson clover; N P
- Hairy vetch; N
- White mustard; N P