There was a time when every pocket of every jacket I owned contained a tissue in some crumpled state. Now I find every pocket has a blue and white mask with elastics that get caught on buttons, door handles, chair arms in addition to my ears. The masks have become one of my habits. Behind the mask I feel like I enunciate my words much better these days – though I am still accused of mumbling. As I get out of the car, I put on my mask to go into the store. As I get out of the car I put on my mask and go into my house and then I realize… I don’t need it in my own home. Every day I check the COVID numbers along with the weather forecast. Habits are forming.
The fourth wave of COVID is upon us. It doesn’t interfere so much with beekeeping since we are heading into winter. It does, however, challenge our plans for club meetings and the possibility of introducing guest speakers from outside our club. We have focused on Beginner Beekeepers this year since the normal field classes have not been offered and travel has been limited for speakers addressing more challenging topics. This month I am encouraging you to take advantage of the upcoming BCHPA conference to learn about bee research happening in the wider world.
The BC Honey Producers Association Zoom Conference will be held on Friday, October 29 and Saturday, October 30. Education sessions run from 1:30pm to 3:30pm on Friday and from 8:30am to 3:30pm on Saturday. Anyone may attend for a suggested donation of $20.00. The zoom link will be available through the website: during the week just before the conference. This is an amazing deal considering the in-person cost of attending previous conferences.
Your executive continues the search for a permanent location for club meetings. We have some good prospects as various locations solidify their own schedules and wait out this fourth wave.
Elections for club exec are coming up and I want you to give serious consideration to continuing the incredible success of this volunteer run organization. We will be looking for a new President, Secretary and Membership Secretary.
We will not have a face-to-face meeting this month. Instead, there will be a Q&A Zoom call for beginners starting at 7:00pm and running for 45 minutes. Don will talk about wrapping and venting hives for colder weather and preparing fondant to supplement the hives over winter and then we will field questions. The link will be sent out via email.