In April, a group of people came out of a cave in France after spending 40 days in isolation. Their time away from the headlines and news stories probably did not make that much difference, unless they too, were waiting for the countdown to their birth year and eligibility to receive THE vaccine. Not much has changed in 40 days! Let’s take the good news where we can find it and appreciate that we have the luxury of choosing to receive or not receive the vaccine. The cases here are low and slowly falling. In the meantime we can focus on our bees, making sure they have space to grow and that the mites are held in check.
We are still limited in our contact with others so let’s continue to take advantage of technology and share our knowledge as best we can. Thank you to those who have added their names to our list of mentors and fielded calls from members.
Some of the small groups have had their first on-line meetings of the season and it has been great to compare notes, ask questions and trade ideas. Everyone is encouraged to join the calls or (soon??) meet again in the great outdoors to learn from each other. NUCS and queens have been top of mind for many so I am delighted that Barry Denluck will be speaking about queen rearing at our monthly meeting.