Well, swarm season is definitely upon us, with regular calls to the swarm line. Check your hives no less than weekly but, at this time of year, it would be better to check every 5 days if you can. Check for queen cells, and not just on the bottom of the frames – they can be anywhere! Check for brood pattern, and ensure there is lots of space for more brood. This is especially important for new beekeepers – even if you have lots of frames, if it is bare foundation the bees may feel crowded and swarm. And during a nectar flow the bees could become ‘honey bound’; a good amount of built-out comb, but all filled with nectar and little room for brood. If in any doubt, add another box – or follow Larry’s advice and add three! From personal experience, it’s frustrating to watch your bees depart, and especially frustrating if they land in a nearby tree, but tantalizingly just too high to reach!
And – check for mites regularly!! Keep ahead of them, as it can be almost impossible to control them if you let them get ahead of you!
Neighbourhood microclimates vary widely, but in my ‘hood I’ve recently seen a drop-off in flowering, so we’re entering The Dearth that happens each year. With a drop-off in food sources and an already large population of bees, your hive can empty out its stored honey pretty quickly, so you may want to give them supplemental 1:1 syrup for a bit.
The outyard season is coming soon! The work party will be going up on the 23rd to prepare the site, and hives can go up when the fireweed starts to bloom next month. This month’s meeting will go over the outyards and their processes, so we hope to see you there. If you can’t make it, later this month there will be an email call for spots. First priority goes to the work party who have earned work equity. The remaining spots will be allocated via raffle if there is more demand than spots, max 3 spots per person in the first raffle, $10 per spot. If there are additional spots remaining after the first raffle, there will be a second call for new people, and for additional spots for those who already have spaces. Stay tuned!!
We have our monthly meeting this Thursday, as it’s the second Thursday of the month.
- When: Thursday, June 13th
- Where: Brentwood Seniors Citizen Association, 1229 Clarke Rd, Brentwood Bay, BC V8M 1E2
- Agenda
- 6:30-7:00: Beginners’ Corner, Downstairs, Don L
- 6:30-7:00: Intermediates’ Corner, Upstairs in kitchen area, Carolyn H
- 7:00-8:00: Main meeting
- Hive Survival Survey Results – Shirley R
- Outyards: Location, Processes – Bill C
- What to do this month – Larry L
- Club Business
- 8:00-8:45: Social Time with Colleagues and Cookies; bring your cup!