The Capital Regional Beekeepers Association (CRBA) meets on the second Thursday of every month.
This meeting usually starts with a beginner’s corner 30 minutes before the regular club proceedings start around 7pm.
Attending: Approximately 113 members and guests.
Alanna Morbin, acting President, called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. Alanna welcomed the members and guests.
Alanna Morbin introduced Paul van Westendorp, manager, BCMA Apiculture Program for the Provincial Government. Paul explained that after an intensive search for a replacement Apiary Inspector for South Vancouver Island, David MacDonald, who resides on Salt Spring Island, has been hired. Paul went on to inform the members that they, the members should be their own inspector. The government inspector is there to help and discuss what should be done when diseases are found in the hive.
Annual General Meeting was called to order at 7:20 PM.
A consensus from the membership was asked to finalize the minutes from the last AGM held February13th, 2014. Members agreed.
Joanne walked the members through the financial statements of the CRBA. She indicated that the assets had gone up by approximately 5%. The budget for 2015:
Deficient Budget ($569.00)
A motion to accept the budget was made by Stan Reist and seconded by Irene Tiampo. Motion was carried.
Joanne thanked Rupert Rodes and Tim Humphreys for their help in preparing the Financial Statements.
Membership Report – Alanya Smith could not attend the meeting. Alanna Morbin read the report, a comparison through the years.
At this time the executive was asked to stand to be recognized by the members.
A motion for the members to adopt the “Swarm Policy” developed by the Swarm Policy committee was made by Catherine Culley and seconded by Tim Humpreys. Motion carried.
Nairn Hollott thanked Catherine Culley for her hard work as President of the CRBA. Nairn also thanked Alanna Morbin for her dedication of wearing many hats during her volunteering and being 1st Vice President of the CRBA.
The Annual General Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM.
February’s monthly general meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM.