President’s message (November 2022)

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Larry Lindahl always says: “My two best years for honey production were 1977 and next year.” I may be paraphrasing Larry, but I would say more than a few members have literally and figuratively closed the hive on this year and are looking forward to more success in 2023.

It’s time to read, check out a few of the recorded sessions of the BCHPA and dig into some of the ideas that have popped up on Youtube and TikTok. It’s time to compare notes with other beekeepers to see if we can figure out what went wrong and fix it what went right so we can do it again.

We will not have a meeting in November. The response to our survey a couple of weeks ago suggested that only a handful of people were interested in a face to face gathering the night before a long weekend. Best to rest and plan for the new year.

Seedy Saturday February 2023 – It hasn’t happened for the past three years, but this could be the year. Usually scheduled for mid-February at the Victoria Conference Centre, the club has a table and display set up to inform people about keeping honeybees. It is also a perfect opportunity to sell your own honey to people visiting the event. Can you help to coordinate club volunteers or wish to volunteer for a two-hour shift (includes free entry).  Please send a note to

Want to take advantage of your discounts with your 2023 membership card, then find your way to the membership page and give yourself an early Christmas present.

Your exec will be using the next two months to plan 2023. If you would like to get more involved then please send a note to

With no meeting in November and the club usually not meeting in December, I’ll see you in the new year.

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