President’s message (January 2022)

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Princeton University is dropping the requirement to include Latin and Greek studies for students enrolled in the Classics. Apparently it’s not inclusive. I am not sure why. For the first time since my high school days I, along with everyone else, am obligated to learn the Greek letters as each wave of Covid sweeps through our community.

For a while there I donned my mask and washed my hands as if I were walking through an emergency drill. The Covid crisis seemed to be minimal here on the island but I knew I needed to do my part as waves of Alpha, Beta, Delta swept through, and now suddenly the crisis is here. Christmas was celebrated with part of the family at the end of the driveway and masks and two metres apart because they had been exposed to Omicron. As Club Exec counted the ballots in favour of the Royal Oak location for future club meetings, friends and families were cancelling celebrations. Your Executive pivoted rapidly to return to Zoom meetings rather than the plan of in-person and Zoom meetings.

Omicron is like a mite infestation in your hive: inevitable but not necessarily deadly. If you take the right steps it can be a minor inconvenience and not a death sentence. We will get through this and our bees will continue to give us joy as we contend with all the other issues in the world. With this new variant in the air, our January meeting will be hosted via Zoom.

Even as we count the days to the end of winter, we are planning the next bee season. What can we do for packages and nucs? Where will we feed our bees during the summer dearth? Will we be able to sterilise equipment this year? Will there be equipment to buy from local retailers? And who will help to guide the club in the next year as we anticipate a return to face-to-face meetings? Below is what we have so far:

  • Exec positions
    • President – Vacant
    • First VP – Don Lambert in place for his second year of a two year term
    • Second VP – Cathy Totten nominee to replace Carolyn for the second of her two-year term
    • Outyard Coordinator – Walter Totten replacing Brad Alexander
    • Secretary – Victoria Schedel nominee to replace Simon Lightbody whose term is ending
    • Membership Secretary – Bill Cavers nominee to replace Nicole Sleeth whose term is ending
    • Treasurer – Rinah Kline for her second year of her two year term
    • Cindy and Kazlyn continue as Directors at Large
    • Immediate Past President – Bill Fosdick
  • Small Group Coordinator Sidney and North Saanich – Vacant
  • Small Group Coordinator Central Saanich – Vacant

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