A friend’s Facebook post suggested that I type, “In 2020 I am going to” and then let the predictive text feature finish the sentence for me. Apparently I am going to “do the same thing as last year”, so in some ways I am a bit disappointed but in others I am not. I don’t mean to do exactly the same thing as last year but I am sure that I can do a better job of some of the same tasks. I know that I can be much better at record keeping and I can be more thorough in my assessments of mite loads and treatments. I know that I can involve more people in club endeavours and continue to build on the idea of small groups within the club supporting each other. And I know that a resolution of the club executive is to make this year’s meeting plans relevant and interesting for you as a member.
Iotron Trip, Thursday, March 5th
Plans are falling into place for an early trip in March to the Iotron to sterilize bee equipment. You will get more information in January and February so plan to wrap and label your empty foundation frames.
Membership Secretary
A big thank you to Kimberley Bowman who is wrapping up her two-year tenure as Membership Secretary. We will elect her replacement at the March meeting (our AGM) so if you are interested in joining the club executive and want to work learn a bit more about what the role entails please let Bill or one of the Executive know of your interest.
Library Amnesty
Each season we try and add to our library of relevant books and journals. If you have one or two, languishing on a shelf at home, bring it to the meeting or pass it along so that it can be shared with other members.