President’s message (February 2019)

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Wanted: New Home That Will Accommodate Bees. After 30 years, of which we spent 28 of them waiting for the kids to move out, we now want to find a house that is closer to them. There is no downsizing at this point. A condo will not hold the boxes of drawn comb and honey stores from hives that did not make it over the winter. A postage stamp back yard will not accommodate a shed (now called a coach house) big enough to house extractors, buckets, hive stands, queen excluders, table saw, chop saw and all the other bee stuff one accumulates. And new neighbours may not be keen to watch April swarms take over their barbecues and bird feeders. The good news is that in my effort to clean up, tidy up and sort through a lifetime of detritus, I have found items missing for months if not years. Marie Kondo may be the queen of de-cluttering but I don’t think she has packed for a queen bee and her entourage. With luck and perseverance we will find a new home that will accommodate the bees and me in the next phase of life.

It is time for someone else to take on the role of president; to assume the mantle, prestige and limelight. In the past four years we have moved locations, built a new website, established on-line registration, rewritten our constitution and by-laws, doubled our membership, launched local small groups, hosted the BCHPA conference, spoken to hundreds of children in dozens of classes about honey bees and maintained a healthy bank account. We are in a great position as a club with people who are keen to see honeybees thrive and to see our club continue. It is time to see someone with some new ideas take on the challenge and chair a group of enthusiastic beekeepers so that the club can continue to thrive. If you recall, I joined the executive as president and I want to work with my successor to continue the good work we have collectively accomplished.

We also need to find a successor to Rupert Rode to take on the role of treasurer. Rupert has pulled our financial resources into organized and easily maintained files and carefully documented the shared transactions of our club and the BCHPA placing us in a very secure financial position. Rupert will be nearby to help whoever takes on this role so please consider this chance to work with a brilliant club executive.

Check out our web page

  • If you have honey, bee products, equipment or services for sale make sure all our members know. Send a note to Werner letting him know what you have.
  • We as a club are often approached by people who would like to have hives on their property. You may be interested if you have limited space in your own yard or you are living in an apartment. We have been approached by an interested farmer needing polination services in Central Saanich. If you have the hives you may be interested in earning some cash early in the growing season. Send us an email if you’re interested.

Cowichan Beekeepers

Are you interested in sharing your knowledge with others? Would you be willing to speak to the Duncan Club? They have speakers for

  • February – Queen Rearing, Moody’s Apiary
  • March 20th – Colony Growth, Gerry Rozuma
  • April – David MacDonald — Bee Inspector (Topic likely mites)

They are looking for speakers May through to October. Please contact Ian Low or let him know if you have suggestions of speakers or where to find speakers.

Ian Low (VP Cowichan Beekeepers), 250-709-1661

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