Well, the season is definitely changing! This weekend I happened to drop my hive tool in front of the hives. On bending over to retrieve it, I noticed a significant number of bees on the ground; larger than average, with huge eyes. All of them were drones, already being kicked out! So, the season is waning. Time to ensure you are on top of your mites if you want your colonies to survive the winter!! With the population increase in mites coupled with the drop in the amount of capped brood, now is the time that you’ll see mite counts skyrocket. Keep ahead of that wave!! Also, time to evaluate how much honey you will want to extract – and remember that the club rents out extractors at a nominal price.
This coming Thursday, August 10th, is the second Thursday of the month – so it’s time for our monthly meeting! And this one is special – it is a social event and will be commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Capital Region Beekeepers Association! It starts at 6:30 at the picnic area at the south end of Beaver Lake (see map below); cake and beverages will be served, and there will be a demo on honey extraction – that’ll be sweet! Do come, it is a great opportunity to mix with the many and varied people in our club!

We also have an ask of you – we need a new Treasurer; unfortunately, Dorothee Tilley is stepping away and I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for her contributions. The position is not a lot of work, and it’s a lot of fun. You get to network with a lot of our members, work with fun people on the Exec, and get to know about and influence what the club can provide and what it is doing. If you are interested, please email me at president@capitalregionbeekeepers.ca.
And finally, there are new documents on our website, the recently approved Personal Information and Privacy Policy and the Outyard Policy and Processes. To view them, go to our website and click on ‘Club’ on the top banner. From there, go to ‘Member
Login’, then to the banner ‘Policies and Processes’.