The Capital Regional Beekeepers Association (CRBA) meets on the second Thursday of every month.
This meeting usually starts with a beginners/intermediate beekeeper corner 30 minutes before the regular club proceedings start around 7pm.
6:30pm New Beekeeper Corner – Don L
7:00pm Welcome – Cindy P/Will C
Capital Regional District Native Plants – Jay R
What to do in September – Larry L
Funding For Sterigenics Trip in 2023 – Rinah K
Saanich Fair Results – Victoria S
8:30pm Social
9:00pm Wrap Up and Pack Up
Welcome – Cindy P
Capital Regional District Native Plants – Jay Rastogi
- Christmas Hill 36 acres, Swan Lake 130 acres; both sites surrounded by development
- First nations originally used these areas for Camas (grape & common) growth, using the bulbs for food
- Strongly encourage native plant use in our gardens, they better support our eco system
- Many native insects are ground nesters due to bunch grasses that are native to Victoria
- Dead wood & rocks offer nesting and sun basking opportunities
- Invasive species:
- Swan Lake, focused on removing invasive species.
- Currently concerned about English Hawthorne and Daphne (sp?), both growing exponentially
- Rats & squirrels feeding on the ‘red’ berry Hawthorne
- Sun Plants to use: Sea blush, Red broad-leaved stonecrop, Kinnikinnick, Broad-leaved shooting star, woolly sunflower, Oregon-grape (tall), Saskatoon bush, Blackcap, Miner’s lettuce, Oceanspray, Yarrow.
- Partial shade plants: chocolate lily, Salmonberry, Thimbleberry, Red-flowering currant, Pacific dogwood, Red huckleberry, Evergreen huckleberry, Stinging nettle, Orange trumpet honeysuckle, Hairy honeysuckle, Yerba Buena.
- Full shade plants: Western trillium, Fawn lily, Bunchberry, Twinflower, False-lily-of the-valley, Vanilla leaf, Licorice fern
- Shared slides of a garden project at Swan Lake currently underway, was a former home that was demolished. Welcome everyone to visit, volunteers always needed.
What to do in September – Larry L
- Finish extracting, separate light & dark honeys
- Work to reduce varroa mites
- Get treatments in, colonies down to winter size
- Wintering needs: 70 lbs honey, complete syrup feeding by end of Oct, may need to keep yellow jacket reducers in place
Funding for Sterigenics trip in 2023 – Rinah K
- BEE BC Program – provided by the Province of British Columbia
- Total Grant for $1,715.68 was approved by the IAFBC (Investment Agriculture Foundation)
- Project completion date Feb 28, 2023
- Grant covers costs like, truck rental, gas, ferry costs
- Grant does not cover irradiation of equipment costs
- 2 trips will be necessary this year, one to drop off equipment, and one to pick up
- Further reporting will be necessary, as costs become realized
- Many thanks to Alanna and Bill for their support in the completion of this application
Saanich Fair Results – Victoria S
- Estimate 40,000 in attendance this year
- 10 exhibits entered – 1 deep honeycomb, 1 medium honeycomb, chunk honey, liquid honey (amber, golden, white), beeswax cake, 2 types of beeswax candles.
- 10 club members put their name forward for honey sales, 48 handouts were given out
- A HUGE thank you to all that volunteered their time over the weekend!